tINI @ familiaRise
tINI @ familiaRise
Happy to have this character in town again. Pre-Sale & RSVP only.
Fri, Jan 9 2015
11:00 PM
Sat, Jan 10 2015
8:00 AM
familiaRise [3-Yr] Anniversary
familiaRise [3-Yr] Anniversary
Its that time again... familiaRise is proud to present another night of celebration. As it has been since our 1st birthday, we worked extra hard throughout the year to provide Philadelphia with international artists, cutting edge music and avobe all, the best sound and vibe posible. This year its n…
Sat, May 10 2014
10:00 PM
Sun, May 11 2014
10:00 AM
familiaRise & Soul Clap present: EFUNK
familiaRise & Soul Clap present: EFUNK
Philadelphia, PA
May 20th. 2012 With summer right around the corner and our 1 year anniversary the week before, what better way to kick off a new "familiaRise year" than with these "P-funk mother-ship natives," "the cosmic prankster duo" who assure to travel on a time space-ship of musical dopeness?? That's right, …
Sunday, May 20 2012
2:00 PM
11:00 PM
familiaRise [2-Yr] Anniversary
familiaRise [2-Yr] Anniversary
We are ready to celebrate 2 years of great music, gatherings, bonding and everything else you can think of when you see the word "familiaRise." We are offering an impressive array of talent coming from Berlin, Germany, Ibiza, Spain and Tulum, Mexico. This event will go from May 11, 2013 @ 2:00 pm …
Sat, May 11 2013
2:00 PM
Sun, May 12 2013
5:00 AM
familiaRise @ 714
familiaRise @ 714
familiaRise is back on 12/12 this tme around at the new Philadelphia venue, Club 714.
Sat, Dec 12 2015
11:00 PM
Sun, Dec 13 2015
3:30 AM
familiaRise [4-Yr] Anniversary
familiaRise [4-Yr] Anniversary
4 years of love and dedication to electronic dance music.
Sat, May 9 2015
11:00 PM
Sun, May 10 2015
9:00 AM
familiaRise 5 [Yr] Anniversary
familiaRise 5 [Yr] Anniversary
Philadelphia, PA
Ticket holders will be added to our new e-mail list. All info will be disclosed via personal email. 5 Years of love for underground electronic music...
Fri, Jul 8 2016
11:00 PM
Sat, Jul 9 2016
6:00 AM
familiaRise w/ Sammy Dee
familiaRise w/ Sammy Dee
Sammy Dee, part of Perlon, host and curator of GET PERLONIZED at the infamous Panorama Bar... A name that needs no introdution. familiaRise feels honored for the opportunity to host him this Friday marking his Philadelphia debut. It will be a party!He's a maestro of infinite, minimal flow, emotions…
Thu, Apr 7 2016
12:00 PM
Fri, Apr 8 2016
7:30 PM
Rolling Ones
Rolling Ones
familiaRise is excited to host this event with a new twist, we will be lending all controls to Rolling Ones, a side project / collaboration between Tin Man and Jordan. Things should be very interesting from the moment doors open. Don't miss out! Line UpRolling Ones (TIN MAN + Jordan)Open to Close$1…
Fri, Feb 19 2016
10:00 PM
Sat, Feb 20 2016
3:30 AM